With the European Championship around the corner I believe it is worth downloading our "Euro 2016 Game Schedule Pocket Guide".
It is a similar one that I had already provided for the World Cup 2014. Therefore you will find the information on how to cut and fold it on my YouTube channel HERE.
Or you can download the file and follow the instructions on the second page instead. I am little bit sorry that the file is not the smallest.
FIFA has released its technical report for the 2014 World Cup.
The report is 284 pages in length and provided in multiple languages (French, English, German, Spanish).
Content provided consists of:
The report can be downloaded HERE.
Due to the positive feedback the "Pocket Game Schedule" has earned from the UEFA European Championship 2012. I have also made one for the World Cup 2014 in Brazil.
The schedule can be downloaded with the US Eastern Time (EST), Central European Time (CET) and Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).
Please choose between the downloads.
The download to the right shows how to cut and fold it, or watch the video below.
I have provided a text about the influence of maturation on physical, physiological and technical abilities of footballers and now I would like to give some additional help on how to calculate the maturation of footballers.
You can click HERE to reach the download files.
Or you can also follow the navigation to Downloads --> Maturation --> Age at PHV.
The Godfather of the 30-15 intermittent fitness test has made some articles available.
Buchheit, M., Simpson, B.M., Peltola, E., and Mendez-Villanueva, A. Assessing maximal sprinting speed in highly trained young soccer players. Int J Sports Physiol Perform 7: 76-78, 2011.
Buchheit, M., Mendez-Villanueva, A., Delhomel, G., Brughelli, M., and Ahmaidi, S. Improving repeated sprint ability in young elite soccer players: repeated shuttle sprints vs. explosive strength training. J. Strength. Cond. Res. 24: 2715-2722, 2010.
Buchheit, M., Mendez-Villanueva, A., Quod, M.J., Poulos, N., and Bourdon, P. Determinants of the variability of heart rate measures during a competitive period in young soccer players. Europ. J. Appl. Physiol. 109: 869-878, 2010.
....and many more!
The articles are accessible through Martin Buchheits dropbox HERE.
We have already explained why it might be important to test the players sprint ability in a previous blog update.
As a consequence we have also provided a 30 meter sprint data collection and analysis sheet, which we have updated and improved the visibility of the average 30 m sprint values in our graphs.
Additionally, we have added a 20-meter sheet.
Please use this link to the download section.
We have given information about the importance of speed (training) in football previously.
Additionally we have given information about what to test, however did not provide any “help” or suggestion on how to do that. As a consequence we will provide a data collection and –analysis sheet.
Given the fact that acceleration is a very important aspect in football, its monitoring and training seems crucial. Latter is of particular interest for coaches, however, there are multiple
possibilities to train for speed, which most likely result in different improvements on sprint performance and therefore affect monitoring. Sprinting can be defined as acceleration (herein it is
also possible to discuss “first-step-quickness”), maximum speed, and maintenance of speed. All components have importance in football and therefore should be monitored and trained.
For example it was seen that acceleration (0-10 meters) was correlated to maximum strength with 0.9 (= correlation coefficient “r” = 0.9 identicates a nearly
perfect correlation, with 1 being perfect – but also unrealistically in a real-world setting). However, the correlation was less strong (r = 0.7 which is strong) on 0-30 meter sprints (5
- see references below) in football players. Similar, acceleration and maximum speed was only correlated with a coefficient of 0.6 (3), which suggest
that the two are separate components in elite football players. Additionally, knee extensor torque at 240 degrees per second was the strongest correlation with acceleration (0-10 meter) sprint
performance (4). As a consequence it seems that not only maximal strength but other physical qualities are important on a 30 meter sprint. (We also believe that the correlation of 0.7 also
derived from the fact that usually players that are fast over 10 meter are quick over 30 meters as well, just as a result that the time advantage from 10 to 30 meter distance will still
exist). However flying distance (such as 10-20, or 20-30) seems to be more related to stiffness and some sort of power utilization (power absorption in the eccentric phase of running and
utilization in the concentric phase stretch shortening cycle) (1). For example, hopping was the best predictor of the changes in speed between individual phases (such as acceleration and
maximum speed). Additionally, maximum velocity was correlated with stiffness (r = 0.7) but not with the acceleration phase (2). Therefore is it important to have a more differentiated analysis on
sprint performance as it has consequences on training as suggested by Little et al. (2005).
In order to do so, we have provided a first file, which includes sheets to enter AND to analyze sprint performance. Feel free to use.
1. Bret, C., Rahmani, A., Dufour, A.B., Messonnier, L., and Lacour, J.R. Leg
strength and stiffness as ability factors in 100 m sprint running. J. Sports. Med. Phys. Fitness. 42: 274-281, 2002.
2. Chelly, S.M. and Denis, C. Leg power and hopping stiffness: relationship
with sprint running performance. Med. Sci. Sports. Exerc. 33: 326-333, 2001.
3. Little, T. and Williams, A.G. Specificity of acceleration, maximum speed, and
agility in professional soccer players. J. Strength. Cond. Res. 19: 76-78, 2005.
4. Newman, M.A., Tarpenning, K.M., and Marino, F.E. Relationship between
isokinetic knee strength, single-sprint performance, and repeated-sprint ability in football players. J. Strength. Cond. Res. 18: 867-872, 2004.
5. Wisløff, U., Castagna, C., Helgerud, J., Jones, R., and Hoff, J. Strong
correlation of maximal squat strength with sprint performance and vertical jump height in elite soccer players. Br. J. Sports. Med. 38: 285-288, 2004.
The UEFA EURO 2012 in Poland-Ukraine is going to start this coming Friday with the first game Poland vs. Greece. As always, the host plays the first game, here against the champion of 2004.
Accordingly, we have prepared a footballscience UEFA EURO 2012 pocket game schedule for download (see below).
Just print it, fold it, a little cut and you're set.